At the beginning of the Civil War, women in America were restricted to the typical roles of Victorian society. Women were expected to take care of the home, and were not allowed anywhere near the battlefield, not even as nurses. As the war progressed, some women were allowed to march with the troops to help boost morale. As wounded casualties increased, so did the need for more nurses, and no more men were available. This is how women became prominent in the field of nursing. Also, because so few men suspected ladies, women were used as spies.
Dorothea Dix was such a strict recruiter for the nursing corps, some men called her Dragon Dix. She turned away any woman who might possibly be interested in romantic interests. Sometimes even nuns were turned away. By the end of the war, however, she was only asking, "When can you sign up?"
Clara Barton, the most famous nurse, worked so close to the fighting that a bullet once went through her dress and killed a man she was treating. She tirelessly lobbied Washington for better treatment of the men, and formed the Red Cross.
The French cantoneers inspired the American vivandiers who worked as battlefield nurses, and morale boosters for the men. Some, like Annie Etheridge (left) and Marie Teppe (right) rode among the men, keeping them in line, and bringing water and food to them. Both were awarded medals for their bravery.
Not even jail could silence Belle Boyd. Known as Le Belle Rebel, Boyd shot a soldier who was entering her house, ran information through the lines to Jackson, who credited her with the success of his valley campaign, and when she was caught and put in prison, Belle Boyd tossed balls filled with information down to a mysterious figure who took the information to Confederate headquarters.
The famous actress Pauline Cushman toasted Jefferson Davis from the stage. From this little act of patriotism, she was taken in confidence by the Confederate men. She gained easy access to their secrets, and was soon making reports to Washington. Nathan Bedford Forrest found her guilty of espionage and sentenced her to hang, the only woman so sentenced. Just before her execution, Pauline was rescued when a Federal attack occurred right at her prison. For her bravery, she was given the commission of Major Pauline Cushman.
Since the Confederate army would not have them, some women, such as Nancy Hart, rode horses through the countryside attacking enemy positions in guerilla warfare.
Kady Brownell was the best sharpshooter in her husband's regiment, and volunteered as a sharpshooter. She was allowed to march as a daughter of the regiment, but not to fight. During the battle, she was the only soldier who did not run, and she even took up the flag and rallied the men, despite being wounded. Still, they would not let her carry a musket.